Red-breasted Merganser Sequence


This 0.4 second sequence is from this past spring at my rocky peninsula tip jutting 1.5 miles out into Lake Huron. When there are calm wind conditions or winds in the right direction, groups of migrating Red-breasted Mergansers hang out and rest. But every once in a while, especially when 1 group flies in or swims in to meet that group, courtship behavior and occasional fighting breaks outs. The fighting usually amounts to short chases.

Opportunities to photograph the birds are usually available in early May, along with other duck species, at a variety of locations, including Common Merganser, Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Wood Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, and Ring-necked Duck. At the same time photography of Barred Owl is highly likely, as well as Ruffed Grouse on Drumming logs (or boulders), American Bittern in flight, and Pied Billed Grebes. And depending on the exact date and progression of songbird migration, the following warblers are possible: Yellow-rumped, Pine, Palm, Black-throated Green, Nashville, and Black and White. And other possibilities include as Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper and Northern Flicker. Early May is a highly weather dependent time. See Custom Workshops Contact Paul at